Thursday, November 5, 2015

 In my experience, the one activity that has truly taught me how to think is Mock Trial. In Mock Trial, we still have to learn a lot of information. However, we are not formally tested on this information. Rather, we have to know how to use it. The rules of evidence, standards of civility, case law, and procedures are all elements of a trial. We are challenged to think on our feet and apply what we've learned in court. This, I find, is a much more effective way of learning a subject, as I have probably learned more from Mock Trial than I have from any class my school has to offer.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that mock trial is more beneficial than courses we take at our school. You are required to actually understand the information so you can use it at the trials whereas at school most students cram for a formal exam then forget the material right after.
