Project based learning seems to be an effective method of teaching, as it accustoms students to solving problems in groups. The critical thinking skills students can develop from project based learning are necessary skills for all professional careers or any setting in which you are working with other people. Since students are only learning how to remember and regurgitate information back onto a test, how will they be able to solve actual problems they face in their lives? For example, we rely on our doctors to cure diseases with new research methods, we rely on our architects to provide safer homes for us when an environmental disaster threatens our safety, and yet we’re not creating a new generation that can build on these professions at a higher level of thinking. If all students are simply just trying to get a high GPA, how are they supposed to be inspired to learn new things, or to take the initiative to really understand something that interests them? They simply don’t have time for their own hobbies, which is truly a loss for humanity. Think of all the things young people could become if they simply indulged on their hobbies and extended their creativities. In a perfect world, we would have students learning how to think critically to solve real world problems so they can later become successful and make a difference in the world.
Watch the video to see how project based learning WORKS!:
I love your blog and value your stance on education! I believe that project based learning, which various teachers are now beginning to implement in their classes, is a great way to increase the learning within our schools. Project Based Learning focuses on problem solving, critical thinking, analytical skills and enhanced learning. I enjoy when teachers assign projects, although they require more time, they challenge me and require me to research more about specific topics. Through this, I actually learn the information, especially if I like the subject I am researching, rather than simply spitting back information for a test. I cannot stand when teachers make tests such a large part of your overall grade. Instead I think they should include more projects or interactive learning, as those will actually be useful tools in life.